Conferencia: Commonwealth Studio – “A Dirty Requiem for Tomorrow”

Por , 27/10/2009   |   Categoría : Evento   |   Comentarios : 1

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La Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico se complace en invitarles al Seminario de Commonwealth Studio título a “A Dirty Requiem for Tomorrow”. El mismo se celebrará el próximo Jueves 29 de Octubre en el Aula Magna de la Escuela de Arquitectura ubicada en el Antiguo Edificio Forteza en el Centro Histórico de Ponce. El evento comenzará a las 6:30 pm y la presentación estará a cargo del Arquitecto Francisco David Boira director creativo y principal Ejecutivo en Commonwealth Studio en New York.

Para más información refiérase a:

Aurea L. Santiago Bigas

[787]841-2000, Ext. 1310

Escuela de Arquitectura

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico

Commonwealth is a speculative art, architecture and design studio based in New York City. Founded in 2005, by Zoë Coombes and Francisco David Boira, Commonwealth is intimately involved with new output processes relevant to Art and Architecture.

With an education and background in Architecture, Boira and Coombes have focused the studio’s interests at a scale much smaller than that of buildings. Commonwealth is immersed within a machine culture and speaks via a machine language. Their vision is one that is enabled by contemporary tools and embraces a complexity that is difficult to achieve via analogue means.

Commonwealth’s expression is fueled by software, ultimately finding expression within a variety of refined and precise material processes. Three-axis milling of prototypes within the Williamsburg, Brooklyn studio is central their experimental, material interests. While Commonwealth is focused on 21st century technologies, the studio has a deep respect for craft processes and often works with highly skilled artisans.
Commonwealth, draws intensely from the field of Art and is particularly interested in the intersection of artistic problems as they relate to the more collaborative nature of design.

“Complexity, intricacy and elegance. These are three dominant artistic issues that are enabled by digital making and that are central to our practice. All three are issues that are woven into a number of artistic and design themes- whether that is a practical issue of manufacturing and output, or a more emotional issue closely tied to the artistic nature of what we do. Most importantly, we attempt to catalyze work that is synchronized with the strengths of this medium that we work within”

David Boira
Creative Director Commonwealth Studio New York.

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One Response to “Conferencia: Commonwealth Studio – “A Dirty Requiem for Tomorrow””

  1. huricano
    on Oct 29th, 2009
    @ 2:08 pm

    Totaly off point, pero no tenia ni idea que la PUCPR tenia escuela de arch. Siempre tenia la fantasia de que en Ponce hubiera un proyecto de reubicar los edificios civicos dentro del casco como ancla de su renacer. La escuela de medicina, el tribunal, el CESCO, los hospitales, etc., ya estan colocados en antiguos terrenos de la cana o industriales. Ademas, la inversion principal de infraestructura, ademas del puerto, ha sido construir mas autopistas y ensanchar la carretera hacia el WalmartSuper center. Todo esto, con muchisimos otros factores, ha llevado a que que la decadencia de la ciudad historica sea casi total. Se puede observar una destruccion pauletina del patrimonio ponceno que dentro de unos anos competira con Dresden. Es decir, van camino de perla del sur a tabula rasa. Por lo que me alegra que la Catolica no tan solo haya apostado por una escuela de architectura, sino tambien la ha ubicada dentro del seno de la ciudad. Supongo que la economia del abandono debe haber facilitado este proceso. Ni el 123 que ocubaba el espacio antes pudo sobrevivir. Espero que esto augura la posibilidad economica de rescatar el patrimonio architectonico de PR a traves de la reintegracion de las instituciones culturales e civicas con la tela urbana.

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