EVENTO DE LA SEMANA: Conferencia ArqPoli/AIA: Superfront (Mitch McEwen)

Por , 25/09/2010   |   Categoría : Evento   |   Comentarios : 0

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Como parte de su ciclo de conferenecias ArqPoli les invita a su próxima conferencia de la serie Recesión del Sentido: ¿qué es lo próximo?. Esta vez nuestra invitada es Mitch McEwen de SUPERFRONT con sede en Nueva York quien participará como jurado de los Premios de Honor del AIA Capítulo de Puerto Rico . La conferencia se llevará a cabo el jueves 7 de octubre a las 6:30pm en el auditorio principal de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. ¡Los esperamos!

Conferencia: “How to File a Report with The Bureau of Experimental Architecture”

Mitch McEwen, Director and Founder of SUPERFRONT, presents her collaborative and interdisciplinary mode of architectural practice. The lecture combines a presentation of recent projects with easy-to-follow instructions for conceptualizing projects, publicizing work, building at full scale, and developing collaborations.

Urban designer, curator, and unlicensed architect, Mitch McEwen is both a practicing designer and the Director and Founder of SUPERFRONT. She is a recipient of the New York State Council on the Arts 2010 Independent Projects award for Architecture, Planning and Design. Her work has been published in Architectural Record and the New York Times, and her writings in African-American studies have been published in Columbia University’s Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society. After receiving the M.Arch degree from Columbia’s Graduate School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning (GSAPP) in 2006, she was invited to join the faculty of GSAPP as Adjunct Assistant Professor to create a new cross-disciplinary course for urban planners and urban designers. Since founding SUPERFRONT in January 2008, she has curated more than a dozen exhibits and published 4 architectural catalogs, working with more than 100 artists and architects from New York, Los Angeles, Venice, Berlin, San Juan, Beijing and elsewhere. She holds an M. Arch from Columbia GSAPP and A.B. from Harvard cum laude in Social Studies.

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