Seminario ASHRAE: Energy Modeling Best Práctices and Applications HVAC / Thermal
Cuando: Jueves, 22 de Septiembre de 2011, de 8:00am a 4:30pm
Donde: Instituto de Ing. Mecánico, WAP Training Center, #200 Calle Manuel Camuñas, Esq. Ave. César González, Urb. Industrial Tres Monjitas, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918
Libre de Costo
Explain the IBPSA building energy modeling body of knowledge.
Apply the ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Performance Rating Method in order to develop Baseline and Proposed Design energy models.
Identify best practices for providing high quality and consistent modeling services.
Inform building design through energy modeling.
Develop an effective business case for energy efficiency.
Implement measurement and verification procedures that calibrrated building energy simulation models to calculate saving.