Vota hoy por el proyecto de Jorge Concepción, estudiante de arquitectura puertorriqueño, en el Kingspan Legacy Conpetition. (pinchar)
La Competencia:
The Kingspan Legacy Competition is a design challenge open to professional architects and students of architecture. Channel your creative aptitude to produce the most imaginative, visually intriguing, legacy-worthy structure you can. Whether you’re the brains of the operation or an intern waiting for a career break, this is your moment to be judged on the strength of your talent and imagination alone.
A scholarship of $5,000 will be made in the winner’s name, and awarded to a promising architecture/engineering student at the educational institution of their choosing. If the winner is a student, they will be the scholarship’s recipient. In addition, the winner will receive an Apple MacBook Pro, so they can start working on their legacy today. Both runners up will each receive an Apple iPad 2.
El proyecto:
Situated in the “Calle Loiza” or Loiza street located in Santurce, Puerto Rico, the modern interpretation of the “plaza del mercado” or city market is used as a visual point of interest in this main commercial venue. With the idea of progression in mind, 200 Inverted Rib Bone White and Mini microrib Evergreen panels are used to show the development of the Loiza Street through the 20th century, being such an important commercial district. This market would provide space for local vendors to form their small business such as barbershops or fruit stands. The tower which is adjacent to the street is used as a light beacon to create a point of interest even during nightfall. Providing vegetation along the walls of the terrace and courtyard and also using water storage along the roof seem to be alternatives for building efficiency and sustainability. The interplay of the IMPs and the space created by these three volumes, help create an environment that would contribute to the commercial identity of this historic street.
Jorge Concepción:
Undergraduate student Jorge Concepcion from the architecture program in Savannah College of Art and Design(SCAD), recently entered this contest. He is a a fourth year student who submitted an entry relating to his native island Puerto Rico dealing with a commercial district called la “Calle Loiza”.