Seminario AIA: Amendments to the Puerto Rico Building Code 2011.

Por , 3/10/2011   |   Categoría : Evento   |   Comentarios : 0

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AIA Puerto Rico will be hosting a Continuing Education seminar titled: Amendments to the Puerto Rico Building Code 2011. The Seminar will be held Thursday October 13 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at CAAPPR on del Parque St. #225. For your convenience click on the link provided or visit our website at and register to participate FREE! Look forward to seeing you there!

Title: Amendments to the Puerto Rico Building Code 2011

Speaker: Alberto Lastra, AIA

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Seminarios CAAPPR: Códigos ICC

Por , 2/05/2010   |   Categoría : Evento   |   Comentarios : 0

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webad seminarios iccQué: Series de Seminarios de los Códigos del ICC

Cuándo: 5 y 6 de mayo de 2010, de 8:30am a las 6:00pm

Dónde: Anexo del CAAPPR, calle del Parque 225, Santurce

Registro:  CAAPPR 787-724-1213 X 101, 106

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